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Awesome Word Spotting: A curated list of resources for word spotting




Attribute CNN:使用神经网络学习单词图像和属性表示间的映射。该方法的缺点是神经网络在训练分布外存在过度置信。即使Attribute CNN方法在许多常见的基准数据集中展示了卓越的性能,但是这是以需要训练数据为代价的。有些方法试图通过迁移学习和合并合成数据的方法来缓解数据问题,但是对于任何基于机器学习的方法来说,具有代表性的训练数据的必要性仍然是与生俱来的。
embedded attributes:属性嵌入和单词图像间的映射通过一系列的SVM学习到。这就允许将单词图像和字符串映射到一个常见的子空间,在这个子空间中,检索问题可以通过比较属性向量间的距离解决。


是否去做 segmentation-based 或者 segmentation-free 字定位

基于分割的方法需要将文档页面分割成单独的单词图像,这通常不是一个容易解决的问题;如Attribute CNNs、embedded attributes。无分割方法并没有提出这一要求,而是联合解决检索和分割问题。
基于分割的字定位:PHOCNet,Embed attributes


QbS 经常是优先选择,因为它不需要在搜索更多的情况之前,找到正在寻找的样例。


Word Spotting使文档图像可搜索。相比于文本识别来说,搜索功能是直接实现的,而不是一个复杂任务的副产品,因而是有效的。对于历史文档,自动分割是具有挑战的,由于写作风格的高可变性、文档布局、油墨与纸张的视觉外观。分割的方法在现代文档图像中很成功,如投影特征或连通分量,但是对于历史文档可能会失效,这些方法必须手工的调整到文档集合的特性。


  1. An Alternative Deep Feature Approach to Line Level Keyword Spotting
    Retsinas G, Louloudis G, Stamatopoulos N, et al. An Alternative Deep Feature Approach to Line Level Keyword Spotting[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 12658-12666.
    作者:George Retsinas, Georgios Louloudis, Nikolaos Stamatopoulos, Giorgos Sfikas, Basilis Gatos
    NCSR “Demokritos”、希腊国立雅典理工大学、希腊约阿尼纳大学。


  1. Evaluating word string embeddings and loss functions for CNN-based word spotting
    Sudholt S, Fink G A. Evaluating word string embeddings and loss functions for CNN-based word spotting[C]//2017 14th iapr international conference on document analysis and recognition (icdar). IEEE, 2017, 1: 493-498.
    作者: Sebastian Sudholt, Gernot A. Fink
  2. Ensembles for Graph-Based Keyword Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
    Stauffer M, Fischer A, Riesen K. Ensembles for graph-based keyword spotting in historical handwritten documents[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 714-720.
    作者: Michael Stauffer, Andreas Fischer, Kaspar Riesen
  3. Word Hypotheses for Segmentation-free Word Spotting in Historic Document Images
    Rothacker L, Sudholt S, Rusakov E, et al. Word hypotheses for segmentation-free word spotting in historic document images[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 1174-1179.
    作者: Leonard Rothacker, Sebastian Sudholt, Eugen Rusakov, Matthias Kasperidus, Gernot A. Fink
    概要:本文提出了一种无分割的字定位方法,将极值区域ER框架与TPP-PHOCNet相结合。首先针对于确定的文档图像区域预测得分,这些得分反映了单个区域是否包含文本。然后用极值区域ER对这些得分的不确定性进行明确的建模。ER方法生成了单词边界框的假设。接着,使用TPP-PHOCNet预测PHOC表示。最后,通过一个最近邻搜索进行字定位。使用了三种生成局部文本得分的方法:(1)SIFT对比得分;(2)局部区域分类得分(LRC);(3)局部单词区域得分(AAM-PHOCNet)。在GW和ICFHR 2016 KWS比赛数据集(Botany和Konzilsprotokolle)上实现了和最好的方法相媲美的结果。
  4. LSDE: Levenshtein Space Deep Embedding for Query-by-string Word Spotting
    Gómez L, Rusinol M, Karatzas D. Lsde: Levenshtein space deep embedding for query-by-string word spotting[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 499-504.
    作者: Lluís Gómez, Marçal Rusiñol, Dimosthenis Karatzas
  5. Query-by-Online Word Spotting Revisited Using CNNs for Cross-Domain Retrieval
    Sudholt S, Rothacker L, Fink G A. Query-by-online word spotting revisited: Using cnns for cross-domain retrieval[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 481-486.
    作者: Sebastian Sudholt, Leonard Rothacker, Gernot A. Fink
  6. Assisted transcription of historical documents by keyword spotting: a performance model
    Santoro A, De Stefano C, Marcelli A. Assisted transcription of historical documents by keyword spotting: a performance model[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 971-976.
    作者: Adolfo Santoro, Claudio De Stefano, Angelo Marcelli
  7. Nonlinear Manifold Embedding on Keyword Spotting using t-SNE
    Retsinas G, Stamatopoulos N, Louloudis G, et al. Nonlinear manifold embedding on keyword spotting using t-SNE[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 487-492.
    作者: George Retsinas, Nikolaos Stamatopoulos, Georgios Louloudis, Giorgos Sfikas, Basilis Gatos
  8. R-PHOC: Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using CNN
    Ghosh S K, Valveny E. R-PHOC: Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using CNN[C]//2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017, 1: 801-806.
    作者: Suman Ghosh, Ernest Valveny


  1. Training-Free and Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using Feature Matching and Query Expansion
    Vats E, Hast A, Fornés A. Training-Free and Segmentation-Free Word Spotting using Feature Matching and Query Expansion[C]//International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). 2019.
    作者: Ekta Vats, Anders Hast and Alicia Fornés
  2. KeyWord Spotting using Siamese Triplet Deep Neural Networks
    Eglin V, Serdouk Y, Bres S, et al. KeyWord Spotting using Siamese Triplet Deep Neural Networks[C]. 2019.
    作者: Yasmine Serdouk, Véronique Eglin and Stéphane Bres
  3. A Multi-oriented Chinese Keyword Spotter Guided by Text Line Detection

作者: Pei Xu, Shan Huang, Hongzhen Wang and Hao Song

  1. Exploring Confidence Measures for Word Spotting in Heterogeneous Datasets
    Wolf F, Oberdiek P, Fink G A. Exploring Confidence Measures for Word Spotting in Heterogeneous Datasets[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10930, 2019.
    作者: Fabian Wolf, Philipp Oberdiek and Gernot Fink
  2. Can One Deep Learning Model Learn Script-Independent Multilingual Word-Spotting?
    Eglin V, Serdouk Y, Bres S, et al. KeyWord Spotting using Siamese Triplet Deep Neural Networks[C]. 2019.
    作者: Mohammed Al-Rawi, Ernest Valveny and Dimosthenis Karatzas

